Doctor Manikannan


At Adiyogi, we recognize the importance of preserving and safeguarding our environment for future generations. That’s why we are thrilled to introduce “Project Aram Seiya Maram Sei-2022,” a visionary initiative undertaken by our non-profit trust.

Our focus is on planting trees and increasing the green cover in and around Chennai. We have already taken significant strides, having planted roughly 10,000 trees, and our aim is to continue to increase this number every day.

We believe that small steps can make a significant difference, and that’s why we are committed to doing our part in supporting the environment. By supporting “Project Aram Seiya Maram Sei-2022,” you can join us in this positive change and help make a positive impact on the environment.

Join us in our mission to make the world a greener place. Together, we can make a significant difference.

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